Key Documents

Download Size
Standing Order Appendix 31 - Public Value Statement 24.80 KB
Standing Order Appendix 36 - arrangements for obtaining the views of staff, students and parents 26.70 KB
Procurement Policy 280.13 KB
Corporation minutes - 24th January 2022 4.60 MB
Corporation agenda - 28th March 2022 43.28 KB
Customer Feedback Policy 231.82 KB
Audit Committee 22nd November 2021 - minutes 5.79 MB
Audit Committee Agenda - 7th March 2022 41.48 KB
Search and Governance Committee Agenda - 7th February 2022 36.26 KB
Corporation meeting 6th December 2021 - signed minutes 98.66 KB
Corporation agenda - 24th January 2022 35.30 KB
2020/21 Signed Financial Statements 799.26 KB
Corporation minutes - 4th October 2021 110.75 KB
Corporation agenda - 6th December 2021 52.77 KB
Audit Committee minutes - 14th June 2021 8.28 MB
Corporation Structure 2021-2022 51.67 KB
Instrument and Articles of Government 107.50 KB
Audit Committee Agenda - 22nd November 2021 45.05 KB
Search and Governance Committee signed minutes - 17th May 2021 7.57 MB
Search and Governance Committee 18th October 2021 - agenda 37.93 KB
Corporation meeting 28th June 2021 - signed minutes 7.91 MB
Audit Committee 14th June 2021 - agenda 46.02 KB
Corporation meeting 22nd March 2021 - minutes 104.33 KB
Corporation meeting 4th October 2021 - agenda 45.50 KB
Exams Overnight Supervision Arrangements 84.26 KB
Gender Pay Gap Report 2021 262.43 KB
Gender Pay Gap 2021 262.43 KB
Gender Pay Gap Report 2020 106.88 KB
Gender Pay Gap 2020 254.97 KB
Complaints and Appeals Procedures 193.96 KB
Disability 248.26 KB
Access to Script, EARS, Post Results 122.46 KB
Candidates arriving late to exams halls 122.31 KB
Access Arrangements 220.66 KB
Management of controlled assessments 355.92 KB
Word Processor Policy 196.48 KB
Verification and Identification of Students Policy 126.86 KB
Submitting coursework 84.68 KB
Students absent from exams 122.06 KB
Special consideration 190.92 KB
Separate invigilation within centre 123.58 KB
Plagiarism 144.91 KB
Non-examination assessments 320.72 KB
Managing behaviour in exam halls 55.71 KB
Malpractice 88.90 KB
Lockdown 159.46 KB
Internal Appeals Procedures 173.25 KB
Food and drinks in exams hall procedures 54.22 KB
Exams Policy 359.46 KB
Contingency Plan 245.09 KB
Access - vocational 172.56 KB
Exams Archive Policy 156.55 KB
Data Protection Policy 281.94 KB
Compliments and Complaints Policy and Procedure 243.14 KB
Single Equality Policy 59.30 KB
Search and Governance Committee Agenda - 18th May 2020 32.08 KB
Search and Governance Committee minutes - 18th May 2020 43.99 KB
Search and Governance Committee agenda - 19th October 2020 33.67 KB
Search and Governance Committee minutes - 19th October 2020 304.08 KB
Search and Governance Committee agenda - 1st February 2021 34.67 KB
Search and Governance Committee minutes - 1st February 2021 264.79 KB
Search and Governance Committee agenda - 17th May 2021 41.27 KB
Audit Committee Agenda - 9th March 2020 34.62 KB
Audit Committee agenda - 15th June 2020 194.89 KB
Audit Committee agenda - 15th June 2020 38.37 KB
Audit Committee minutes - 15th June 2020 758.93 KB
Audit Committee agenda - 23rd November 2020 38.45 KB
Audit Committee minutes - 23rd November 2020 8.99 MB
Audit Committee agenda - 8th March 2021 39.44 KB
Audit Committee minutes - 8th March 2021 10.03 MB
Corporation agenda - 30th March 2020 30.19 KB
Corporation agenda - 4th May 2020 29.85 KB
Corporation agenda - 6th July 2020 30.29 KB
Corporation agenda - 5th October 2020 36.65 KB
Corporation agenda - 7th December 2020 35.54 KB
Corporation agenda - 18th January 2021 32.88 KB
Corporation agenda - 22nd March 2021 41.64 KB
Corporation agenda - 26th April 2021 37.27 KB
Corporation agenda - 28th June 2021 48.52 KB
Corporation minutes - 30th March 2020 109.09 KB
Corporation minutes - 4th May 2020 106.98 KB
Corporation minutes - 6th July 2020 82.60 KB
Corporation minutes - 5th October 2020 215.76 KB
Corporation minutes - 7th December 2020 124.34 KB
Corporation minutes - 18th January 2021 89.54 KB
Whistleblowing Policy 216.34 KB
Single Equality Policy 296.85 KB
Safeguarding Policy 193.30 KB
Admission Policy 176.42 KB
BTEC Registration 35.91 KB
Bursary Policy 155.97 KB
Car Parking Policy 196.54 KB
CCTV Policy 223.65 KB
Digital Media Policy 235.42 KB
Freedom of Information Publication Policy 204.76 KB
PREVENT - Preventing extremism and radicalisation Policy 241.79 KB
Health and Safety Policy 402.15 KB
Security checks for safeguarding 409.58 KB
Student Charter and Code of Conduct Policy 287.51 KB
Criminal Record Disclosure and Employment of Ex-Offenders Policy 348.21 KB
Pound Plus and Community Learning Fee Policy 163.00 KB
HE Application Guidance Notes 22.02 KB
Higher Education Application Form 57.62 KB
HE Admissions Policy 202.32 KB
Supply Chain Policy 195.12 KB
Sub-Contract Fees and Charges Policy 158.95 KB
Education SubContractor Payments Disclosure 115.93 KB
Fee Income Policy 2021/22 262.89 KB
Careers and Personal Development Strategy 814.20 KB
Ofsted Website 215.08 KB
Finance Partnership Strategy 169.75 KB
Finance Procurement Strategy 203.97 KB
SEND Local Offer 1.44 MB
Signed Financial Statements 2019/20 687.60 KB
Streamlined Energy and Carbon Report 138.99 KB
Corporation meeting 26th April 2021 - minutes 6.86 MB