Career Ready

Career Ready is a national employability programme, which brings together employers and educators.  Career Ready focuses on raising career awareness to enable students to reach their aspirations.

This Career Ready programme is part of our enrichment programme and runs alongside a student’s academic studies.  Any first year student can apply for the Career Ready programme; a place is offered as a result of an interview process where students are expected to demonstrate a commitment to the programme together with a clear understanding of how it will benefit them.

What does the Career Ready programme involve?

The programme successfully connects student to the world of work in four ways:

Employability Master Classes

Students develop employability skills such as networking, personal branding and interview techniques.

Employability Talks and Visits

Students understand the workplace, build awareness of career possibilities and gain knowledge of recent developments in the industry.

Work Placements

Students practise employability skills through meaningful work and further develop their career awareness.


Students reflect on their own career learning and build their own career plans.


Charlotte Martin

“Through Cirencester College’s Career Ready programme, I was given a business mentor who I have monthly meetings with. During my time with my mentor we have discussed key employability skills such as team working, as well as how to write a ‘stand out’ CV and personal statement.”