Adult Education

Adult education is for people over the age of 19 years who wish to develop their skills and qualifications to improve their employment prospects. It is also for those who want to change career direction or just learn something new to keep their mind healthy.

View the course pages below or use our drop down menu to explore which course is right for you.

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Which course is right for me?


GCSE is the course for you:

  • If you don’t already have a C grade in English or Maths GCSE
  • If you are confident that you know the subject well
  • You want a revision class to prepare you and enter you for the summer exams

Functional Skills

Functional Skills is the course for you:

  • If you don’t have a C grade in GCSE or a pass grade in Functional skills Level 2
  • If you are worried or unsure about returning to education
  • If you have had a bad (unmotivated) experience of education – You will soon feel pleased with your progress
  • Functional skills are recognised qualifications themselves, but can also give you the perfect base to progress to GCSE


Pre GCSE is the course for you:

  • If you need a short knowledge booster before taking the GCSE course
  • If you have been away from education for a while
  • You want to boost your confidence in Maths and English
  • This is the perfect stepping stone for the GCSE course

Everyday English and Maths

Everyday English and maths is the course for you:

If you struggle with reading, writing and everyday maths.

You are working at Pre entry, Entry Level 1 or Entry Level 2 in maths or English.

If you are a fluent speaker of English (if not ESOL is for you)


This course will help get you started on your journey to read and write English confidently, express your opinions and use numbers and maths in your everyday life.

This small class is a supportive one and you will be encouraged to work towards your own goals, at your own pace with help from your tutor.

The course is for fluent speakers of English who need help with reading, writing and maths in a supportive and caring environment.


ESOL is the course for you:

  • If your first language is not English
  • If you studied / lived in another country
  • and you want to improve your English for your Job, your life or your children

Essential Digital Skills

Essential Digital Skills is the course for you:

  • If you would like to improve your computer and IT skills
  • It will help you:
    • Use devices and handle information
    • Create and edit
    • Communicate
    • Complete transactions
    • To become safe and responsible online

Web and Social Media for business Level 2

Web and Social Media Level 2  is the course for you:

If you are looking to use IT more in your job or feel you would like to know more about IT for your current job.

It is also a good starting point for those looking for a change in career direction.

If you already have basic computing skills

There will be options for progression from this course into a L3 course.

This course will cover:

  • Website development
  • Social media in business
  • Info Tech systems
  • Creating systems to manage info


AAT is the course for you if:

  • you want an accounting qualification recognised by employers.
  • you want a career change to a field where pay and promotion prospects are good.
  • you are returning to work.
  • you are self employed.

Not sure what level you are – take the AAT skills check to find out.

Award and Diploma in Teaching

The Teaching Award is the course for you if :

  • you want an insight into many aspects of teaching in the FE / post compulsory / adult education / training sector such as assessment, legislation and inclusive practice
  • you want to develop knowledge and skills related to teaching and learning in a range of contexts in order to achieve a nationally recognised level 3 qualification.
  • you are a trainer in the voluntary sector, training personnel in commerce, industry, the public sector, the NHS and HM Forces along with technicians and support staff in further and adult education
  • you want to teach in an FE / adult education setting – Award and Diploma.

A-levels or L3 quals as an adult

Why do A-levels or Level 3 courses as an adult :

  • Large choice of A-levels and Level 3 courses to choose from
  • Study along side 16-19 students
  • Lessons between the hours of 9-4 Monday – Friday
  • If you have not got a full Level 3 qualification already your tuition could be funded
  • Normal entry requirements apply (see courses for details)
  • As an adult you can do just 1 A-level or up to 3 A-levels (course chunks).
  • Adults unfortunately cannot study T-levels
  • Depending on your circumstances some students can be funded to do a Level 3 course. Email to see if you qualify.

Email for more information or apply for your courses through the course pages on our website

British Sign Language Taster

Our BSL taster is for you:

  • If you want to learn how to do some basic sign language.
  • We will start by learning how to finger spell, which is the initial building block for sign language.
  • We will then learn how to sign about familiar topics such as: family, numbers, food, health and emotions.

ESOL -English for Speakers of other Langauges

More info about our ESOL courses

A-levels and L3 courses as an adult

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