Why Choose Cirencester College?

At Cirencester College you will have the freedom and encouragement to develop yourself both academically and as an individual. We pride ourselves on providing THE stepping stone from school to university, apprenticeships and employment. We hope that you will agree with our students and parents that our ‘grown up atmosphere’ and ‘independence with-a-safety-net’ enables you to develop the skills and confidence to succeed whatever your chosen path. You will certainly be spoilt for choice. We offer the widest range and combination of A-levels, T-levels and Vocational courses in the region.

We are ambitious for all our students. Whichever courses you choose, our lecturers will challenge you to achieve high standards in all you do. They are all 16-19 specialists and we hope you will find them both inspiring and approachable. Our pastoral care team will provide guidance and help you cope with any issues during your time here. Key to this will be your personal tutor who will mentor you and encourage you to get the most out of the huge range of opportunities on offer. This includes our extensive recreational and academic enrichment programme.

I am immensely proud of our College, our staff and most of all, our students. Every year hundreds of students leave with excellent results, having made new friends and having had some amazing experiences. I feel particularly fortunate that my own children also had these crucial two years at Cirencester. I hope that having read this prospectus you will come and visit us, get a ‘feel’ for the College and understand why so many students from across the region take advantage of our excellent transport system to join us. I hope you will find that Cirencester is the place which will help you achieve your potential!“

Jim Grant

physics student
students in front of college

What the students say

Cirencester College offers students the opportunity to be highly independent and gain key skills that will stand them in great stead for higher education and employment, while still offering fantastic support to all students in their studies and general college life.

Nathaniel Ray