How Can I Get More Involved as a Parent?

Have you ever wanted to give back to education, but are unsure how?

There are many ways that parents can give back and get involved.  If you are an employer, inspiring the next generation with a talk, offering a young person some work experience or mentoring one of our young people can be priceless for their College experience.  Some parents have very generously opened their doors to our students for a visit, which is a fantastic way to broaden young people’s minds.

If your company gives you Corporate Social Responsibility Days and you would like to use them helping our young people, please let us know.  We also have parents sitting on our Employer Boards and our Governing Board which is another excellent way to give back to the College.

But we are not just looking for employers.  A simple, but very effective option for parents to get involved with Cirencester College, is to provide us with a short video or write a testimonial on how you have found your College experience. This can be really helpful for parents and young people who are currently considering the College, particularly when they are trying to make the best choice they can for their young person.

Parent volunteers are invaluable to us and we would love to hear from you.  If you think you might be able to offer any opportunities, please complete the form below and we will be in touch: