Photographic Assistant: Assistant Photographer Level 3


The apprenticeship will typically take 21-24 months to complete


The Photographic Assistant role involves carrying out skilled work in the photographic industry utilising common photographic knowledge and skills.  The knowledge and skills can equally be applied to whatever means and methods are used in the workplace to generate, print or publish a photographic image.  Whilst the majority of photographic imagery is produced digitally, the use of photographic film and silver based prints are still used in specialist businesses.  On completion of this apprenticeship, apprentices may move into further and higher education, or secure employment in the respective sector of the photographic industry.  This is a core and options apprenticeship with two optional occupational/role areas:

An Assistant Photographer generates the original imagery and is employed across a wide range of areas, for example:  social, commercial, government, scientific departments and specialist applications.  They can work in indoor studios as well as outside locations using digital or film cameras;producing stills or video imagery for a wide range of uses.

Each apprentice will be allocated a Coach to support learning and preparation for EPA. In addition Progress Reviews will take place regularly to ensure the apprentice is on track.

End Point Assessment

The three EPA assessment methods are:

  • Knowledge Test
  • Observation
  • Professional Discussion