What curriculum will I follow at Cirencester College?

The purpose of Cirencester College is to provide you with the best possible stepping-stone from school to university, apprenticeships or work for young people within our catchment area.  This means that we will be ambitious and challenge you to excel but we will also support your development as an independent, resilient and employable citizen. The curriculum you study is therefore much more than just a package of courses and will vary depending on your need and interests as well as the level you are studying at.

What Qualifications do you offer?

As a Sixth Form College, we primarily serve 16-19 year olds, of whom 93% take level 3 qualifications.  These equip students with the knowledge and skills to access the best opportunities nationally and internationally as well as locally. We encourage all those with the potential to benefit from this core provision to access it.

In deciding which qualifications to offer we take account of:

  • National trends around entry to good universities
  • Economic and social priorities and the jobs market in Gloucestershire, Swindon, Oxfordshire and Wiltshire.
  • Student, Parent, Employer and Higher Education feedback
  • National priorities and requirements of study programmes
  • Employer feedback and the requirements of higher-level apprenticeships.
  • Opportunities created by the changing nature of the national and global economy
  • Maximising student choice
  • Maintaining a broad local offer (e.g. Modern Languages)

What Programmes are available to me?

Your programme will be shaped by your intended destination as follows.

I want to progress to: Which qualifications should be in my programme 4+ at Maths and English GCSE Work Experience Other Elements Tutorial programme, homework and study time. A wide range of sport, social and cultural enrichment options.
An Elite University 3-4 A Levels or in some cases an Extended Diploma +A-level Yes Optional EPQ, Higher Achievers
Programme Specific A-levels
University 3 A-levels or mix of A and Applied Generals, a T-level or Extended Diploma Yes Yes EPQ Yes
Level 3 or 4 apprenticeship A-levels, T-levels, Applied Generals Yes Yes Long work placement Yes
Employment A-levels, T-levels, Applied Generals Yes Yes Long work placement Yes
Level 3 technical or vocational course Yet-T Transition Programme Yes Yes HPQ Yes
Level 3 Academic programme A2A Access to A-levels Yes Optional HPQ Yes
Level 2 programme or apprenticeships Upgrade programme Yes Yes GCSE Citizenship Yes

EPQ = Extended Project Qualification

HPQ = Higher Project Qualification

So. at Level 3 you have 4 options:

  • An A-level package from a wide choice of courses. This is ideal preparation for University but can be used for other progression too. We advise this route for ‘elite universities’.
  • A T-level. This is the best preparation for technical employment of higher apprenticeships but is also relevant for University
  • A large Applied General Diploma such as a BTEC. This can be used for entry into work, apprenticeships or some university programmes
  • A mix of A-levels and small applied generals. This is good for university entry or other options.

At Level 2 you have 2 options:

  • Yet-T is our transition programme to prepare you for how you will need to think and work on T-levels. It can also be used for Applied Generals or apprenticeships. It is not like redoing what you did at school.
  • Access to A-levels (A2A) is if you have just missed out on A-levels and uses some small Applied General courses to prepare you for Level 3 work.

Upgrade is to prepare you for the Yet-T or Transition Programme or Level 2 Apprenticeship

What else is in my programme?

All students on 16-19 study programmes have access to a wide range of enrichment for your interest and to prepare you for work and life.  You will have opportunities to meet different people, be part of a team or learn to work on your own initiative. You can learn more about a career, debate and present, share a skill or interest, be active and be creative.  The enrichment programme is spread across the whole timetable grid and supports mental health and wellbeing, as well as the development of work-related behaviours.

Your tutorial programme covers a wide range of issues and skills from healthy relationships to personal branding, interview skills to personal finance.

During the year College events provide opportunities for learning, including Remembrance, Higher Education and Employers Fair, Apprenticeship Fair, Health and Wellbeing Week, What If – Road Safety, Exam Stress Management, and Body Positive events.  We also actively participate in national promotions such as Mental Health Awareness Week, National Careers Week, National Apprenticeship Week, Pride, National Women’s Day and Safer Internet Day.

On some courses work placements are a requirement but all students are encouraged and supported to undertake work related learning and to record their confidence levels regarding various employability and higher academic skills.

Open Events at Cirencester College