Education for Life

Education for Life

Education for Life is our Careers, Employability and Citizenship Programme.

Sessions are planned with your age group in mind and are delivered by specialist staff on a weekly basis.

What sort of activities do you do in Education for Life?

The weekly themes are wide ranging and contain a high level of career, equal opportunity and sustainability elements, for example:

• British Values
• Cyber Security
• Working Future
• Employability skills
• Career Ready and Personal Branding
• Self-Care
• Personal Statements
• Basic Finance
• Coping with Change
• Approaches to Study
• Contemporary Crime
• Mortgages

• Compound Interests
• Insurance
• Budgeting (Debt)
• Investments
• Apprenticeships
• HE and UCAS
• Democracy in the UK
• Mental Health
• Personal Values
• Global Trends: Migration and Poverty
• Global Trends: Impact of Coronavirus
• Communication
• Leadership
• Choices at 18

• Slavery and Human Trafficking
• Health and Wellbeing
• Fertility, PCOS and Endometriosis
• Body Language
• Debating skills
• Gender
• Climate Change
• Conflict Management
• Journey to Employment
• Impact of Media
• Healthy Lifestyles