What type of things can I do in Enrichment?

There is a huge choice of enrichment opportunities at Cirencester College, some will help you develop your employability skills, some will just be good fun. However, all of them will be good for your physical and mental health and will promote positive wellbeing, such as:

• Extra qualification courses such as an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) or Pre-Teaching.

• Non-qualification programmes e.g. Career Ready, Sports Development squads, Duke of Edinburgh or Young Enterprise.

• Course related enrichment such as the Law Society, Debating or STEM activities.

Education for Life Programme which includes University & Careers Convention, Guest Lectures, career guidance, weekly themes including health awareness and mental health.

Health, Fitness and Wellbeing, this includes sports played for fun or to compete and creative activities like pottery or watercolour painting. There are also activities which use your brain in a different way, such as sign language and circus skills. You might even choose volunteering as an enrichment – volunteering is good for you too!

• Learning focused support eg revision sessions, workshops and work experience. A supervised study session may be timetabled into your learning programme too.

What type of Clubs and Societies do you have?


There is a huge choice of enrichment clubs and activities for you to try

There is something for everyone. The College is always happy to listen to new ideas and suggestions for different enrichment ideas, particularly if they promote wellbeing or develop employability skills.

Your choice of Enrichment Clubs and Societies currently includes:

  • 3D Modelling using Blender
  • Animation Club
  • Badminton for Fun
  • Basketball
  • British Sign Language
  • Boxing
  • Bridge Club
  • Choir
  • Chess
  • Circuits
  • Circus skills
  • Classics Society
  • Community Art
  • Computing Club
  • Creative Writing
  • Creative craft club
  • Cricket
  • Cricket Activators
  • Dance
  • Debating Society
  • Dog Walking
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Fencing
  • Film Club
  • Football
  • Football Activators
  • Futsal | Guitar Club
  • Gymnastics
  • HIIT
  • High Achievers
  • History & Archaeology
  • Hockey
  • Horse Riding
  • Indoor Cycling
  • International Development
  • Introduction to French and Spanish
  • Law Society
  • LGBTQ+ and Alliances Society
  • Maths Challenge Club
  • Maths for Scientists
  • Mindfulness
  • Outdoor club
  • Painting with Watercolour
  • Pilates
  • Pottery
  • Psychology Club
  • Robotics
  • Self-defence
  • Ski Trip
  • Sports Development Squads including Rugby, Netball and Football
  • Student Ambassadors
  • Sundial Theatre Company
  • Swimming
  • Table Tennis
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball
  • VR Gaming
  • Walktography
  • Wellbeing Leader
  • Wheelchair Basketball
  • Women’s Football
  • Work Experience
  • Yoga
  • Young Enterprise
  • Course Types